My favorite aunt and cousin started this picture a day thingiemajobber. I thought it was really cool. Myself and my other aunt (we are not as cool) thought we wanted to try it toooooooooo! So here ya go. Oh and by the way...we are supposed to take a picture a day. I for one have not quite kept in that spirit. I do however post a picture a day....well I post pictures and make it look like one for each day!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

All alone.....

Poor little fella, all alone in the bushes, waiting for the day he will be found and rescued. Unbeknownst to him, the whole neighborhood lets out a sigh of relief every day the bushes grow closer. The closer they grow, the safer they are. Poor little fella.

1 comment:

  1. haaahaaahaa...never thought of it that way! On the other hand, if the firefighters can't find the fire hydrant, that's probably not good either! Interesting perspective!
