My favorite aunt and cousin started this picture a day thingiemajobber. I thought it was really cool. Myself and my other aunt (we are not as cool) thought we wanted to try it toooooooooo! So here ya go. Oh and by the way...we are supposed to take a picture a day. I for one have not quite kept in that spirit. I do however post a picture a day....well I post pictures and make it look like one for each day!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rolling on the river....

This to is an old pic, but I did take it myself. My cuz and I took a riverride a few years back.

1 comment:

  1. WOW, WOW, WOW....I just keep saying wow, everytime I scroll the screen!!! So who's the NG photog NOW!!!!! HUH!!!! I would love to have this MS bridge pic in a frame! You have channeled Grandma and Grandpa Sullivan!!!
